Forensics – Traboda


Download the attached file then we have to do certain steps to find the flag

So we have the downloaded file in our local linux machine which is stored in the folder downloads. Now let’s try unzipping the file.


So when we trying to unzip the file it is asking for the password which is not mentioned in the task so we have to find the password also they wont given any password list to do a bruteforce attack so we have to get our own password list so we can use rockyou.txt which is a text file which contains almost all the possible passwords can be used. Let’s crack the password using the tool fcrackzip which is used to bruteforce the zip files.

fcrackzip -D -p rockyou.txt -u

So this will bruteforce the zip file and finds the password. It may take a few minutes to get it.

So it founded the password so let’s unzip the file and see what we gets.

So it get unzipped and found a flag.txt. So let’s see what the text file contains.

So we got the flag.



Traboda is a cybersecurity edutech where we have to solve different challenges and capture the flag the challenges are divided into different categories such as Android, Steganography, Web Exploitation, Cryptography, Forensics, etc. Which helps us to improve our skills as per the user specialization

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